What Happens If You Don't Report Your Cryptocurrency Activities?

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In recent years, cryptocurrency has become an increasingly popular investment and trading option for Australians. However, many individuals may not be aware of their tax obligations when it comes to digital assets. The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has clarified that all cryptocurrency transactions, including those involving decentralised finance (DeFi), are subject to Capital Gains Tax or Income Tax.

Understanding Your Crypto Tax Obligations

Before delving into the consequences of non-reporting, it’s crucial to understand your crypto tax obligations. The ATO treats cryptocurrency as a form of property, and any gains or losses from its disposal are subject to capital gains tax. Additionally, income earned from cryptocurrency-related activities, such as mining or staking, may be subject to income tax.

ATO Income Tax Rate Brackets 2024 - 2025

Your crypto tax rate is based on your total annual income and falls into the same tax brackets as regular income. For the 2024-2025 financial year, the tax brackets are as follows:

IncomeTax Rate
$0 – $18,2000%
$18,201 – $45,00016%
$45,001 – $135,00030%
$135,001 – $190,00037%

Consequences of Not Reporting Cryptocurrency Activities

Failing to report your cryptocurrency transactions can lead to severe consequences, both financially and legally. The ATO is actively monitoring crypto activities, and the penalties for non-compliance can be substantial.

Financial Penalties 

  1. Late Filing Fees – If you miss the deadline for reporting your crypto transactions, you may be subject to late filing fees. These fees can accumulate over time, increasing your overall tax burden.
  2. Interest on Upaid Taxes – In addition to the initial amount due, interest will accrue on any unpaid taxes resulting from unreported crypto income. This interest continues to accumulate until the full amount is paid.
  3. Penalties for Underreporting Income – The ATO imposes significant fines for underreporting income, including that derived from cryptocurrency activities. These penalties can be a percentage of the unpaid tax attributable to the unreported crypto income.
  4. Fraud Penalties – In cases where non-reporting is deemed fraudulent, the penalties can be even more severe. These may include a substantial portion of the unpaid taxes or a fixed amount, depending on the circumstances.

Legal Consequences

  1. Criminal Charges – In extreme cases, failing to report large amounts of crypto transactions might lead to criminal charges. These can result in hefty fines or even imprisonment.
  2. Audit Costs – If you are audited and discrepancies are found, you may be responsible for the cost of the audit in addition to any other fines and penalties.
  3. Reassessment Costs – Should the ATO decide to reassess your past returns due to unreported crypto transactions, any additional tax liability discovered may also include a penalty based on the amount and period of non-compliance.

Impact on Financial Reputation

Neglecting to report cryptocurrency activities can have far-reaching consequences beyond immediate financial penalties:

  1. Limited Access to Financial Products – A compromised financial standing may limit your access to various financial products and services, or result in higher interest rates on loans.
  2. Increased Risk of Audit – Failing to report crypto transactions significantly increases your risk of being audited by the ATO. This process can be stressful, time-consuming, and may extend to other areas of your financial life.

Steps to Take if You've Forgotten to Report Crypto Gains

If you realise you’ve neglected to report your cryptocurrency activities in previous tax years, it’s crucial to take action promptly to mitigate potential penalties:

  1. Voluntary Disclosure – Contact the ATO as soon as possible to make a voluntary disclosure. This proactive approach may result in reduced penalties compared to if the ATO discovers the omission independently.
  2. Amend Previous Tax Returns – File amended tax returns for the years in which you failed to report crypto gains. This may involve using specific forms to correct past undeclared activities.
  3. Seek Professional Advice  – Consider consulting with a tax professional who specialises in cryptocurrency taxation. They can guide you through the process of rectifying your tax situation and ensure compliance with current regulations.

Staying Compliant: Best Practices for Crypto Investors

To avoid the severe consequences of non-reporting, crypto investors should adopt the following best practices:

  1. Keep Detailed Records – Maintain comprehensive records of all your cryptocurrency transactions, including purchases, sales, trades, and any income earned from crypto-related activities.
  2. Use Crypto Tax Software – Consider using specialised crypto tax software, like Crypto Tax Calculator Australia, to help calculate your capital gains and losses accurately.
  3. Stay Informed About Tax Deadlines – Be aware of important tax deadlines. The tax year runs from 1 July to 30 June, with tax returns due by 31 October (or 15 May the following year if using a registered tax agent).
  4. Report All Crypto Activities – Ensure you report all cryptocurrency activities, including mining, staking, airdrops, and any purchases made using crypto.
  5. Seek Professional Advice – If you’re unsure about your tax obligations or have complex crypto investments, consider consulting with a tax professional who specialises in cryptocurrency taxation.


The consequences of not reporting cryptocurrency activities can be severe, ranging from financial penalties to potential legal issues. As the ATO continues to focus on ensuring compliance in the crypto space, it’s crucial for investors to stay informed about their tax obligations and report all cryptocurrency transactions accurately and timely.

By understanding the potential risks, taking proactive steps to rectify any past omissions, and adopting best practices for ongoing compliance, crypto investors can navigate the complex world of cryptocurrency taxation with confidence. Remember, staying compliant not only helps you avoid penalties but also contributes to the overall legitimacy and stability of the cryptocurrency ecosystem.